- Don’t be late! If you are on time to your Zoom meeting, you are late!
- Your laptop battery should be fully charged.
- Take time at the beginning of the meeting to cover the ground rules. Remind participants to stay on mute unless they are talking.
- At the start of the meeting, introduce people who might not know each other to inspire more open communication and collaboration.
- Name a co-host to assist in managing the controls and administrative tasks.
- Mute your microphone when you aren’t speaking.
- Unmute your microphone when you are speaking.
- Be mindful of background noise and distractions and limit them as much as possible.
- Adjust your camera and lighting so your face can be easily seen.
- Avoid multitasking, such as checking your phone or constantly typing on your keyboard. Minimize open windows in order to minimize distractions to yourself. Stay focused.
- Turn your camera ON, especially if you are leading the meeting. It is considered rude not to show your face on Zoom, especially if you are asked to turn your camera on, everyone else has their video on, you are meeting people, you are presenting, or you are having a group discussion where it is helpful if people can see your body language and facial expressions.
- Make sure your background is decluttered and tidy. Virtual backgrounds tasteful for business meetings are acceptable.
- Don’t eat on camera, but it is okay to drink on camera.
- Look directly at the camera, which will mimic the in-person feeling of eye contact. It’s important to gauge reactions by looking at the screen but alternating that with looking at the camera makes the audience feel like you’re really talking to them.
- Monitor the chat function as an indicator of communication success or misfires.
- Speak succinctly and clearly, don’t talk over people. Use the hand-raising feature to manage speaking traffic.
- Don’t be afraid to mute, unmute, and remove meeting attendees if needed!
Source: Google